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Family Law in Rockville, Maryland

Put simply, family law can be extremely sensitive, and has to be handled with expert care. It deals with tough subjects, and more often than not involves parties who are going through tough times in their lives.

Whatever the type of family law case in question—whether it’s divorce, custody, child support, or a different family law issue—the matters involved in family law cases are often very intimate and incredibly high stakes. Family law deals with the things that mean the most to people, and family law cases tend to have extremely significant impacts on people’s lives.

Handling matters with this level of emotional intensity can be difficult to deal in any context, but it can be made far worse by the realities of the legal system and the processes of Family Court. These processes are often highly complex, somewhat arbitrary, and incredibly confusing to laypeople. Moreover, if pursued incorrectly, family law cases can wind up costing an enormous amount of time, energy, and money, which is often detrimental to all parties involved.

This is why it is absolutely essential to find the right family law attorney to handle your case. The right family law attorney will have a high degree of emotional intelligence, patience, and empathy in addition to legal knowledge, experience, and expertise. These skills and attributes are all necessary in order for a family law attorney to properly represent your case and argue on behalf of your best interests (as well as the best interests of your family).

In Rockville, Maryland, you can find that sort of representation in Attorney Steve Shapiro and the team at Resolution Matters.

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Who is Attorney Steve Shapiro and What is Resolution Matters?

Attorney Shapiro is a family law lawyer and the principal practicing attorney with Resolution Matters, a family law, elder law, and family business conflict mediation firm.

With over 30 years of experience, Attorney Shapiro has dedicated his practice at Resolution Matters to solving problems and bringing people together. There are many legal conflicts that can come up within the context of a family—from marriage and divorce to issues dealing with elderly parents to conflicts and disputes within a family-run business. Attorney Shapiro and Resolution Matters are dedicated to helping to solve these conflicts and disputes in the most cost-effective and least emotionally harmful way possible.

This is reflected in Resolution Matters’ foundational principal. Attorney Shapiro created Resolution Matters on the precept of what he calls “legal humanity.” He strongly believes that lawyers—especially those who practice family law—have a fiduciary responsibility to their clients to help them come to the most dignified, least taxing solution to any given conflict. His own personal legal practice is based on the ethos of becoming partners with his clients. He has a deep and abiding respect for the humanity of each of his clients, and for the difficult situations that they are traversing in their lives. Using active listening, keen strategizing, and an extensive depth of legal knowledge, he brings his clients into the process at every level. His ultimate goal is to honor his clients’ truth, and to find a resolution that, at the end of the day, they can truly own and be happy about.

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What Can Attorney Steve Shapiro and Resolution Matters Do For Me?

If you are in the Rockville, Maryland area and you have a family-related legal conflict, Attorney Steve Shapiro and Resolution Matters offer a full suite of mediation, conflict resolution, and standard family law legal services.

These include:

Are you looking for a family law attorney or mediator in Rockville, Maryland? Attorney Steve Shapiro is here to help. Reach out to Resolution Matters for a free consultation on your case today.

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